Colombia Refuses To Donate Russian Weaponery To Ukraine
"I prefer that such old Russian weapons remain as scrap on Colombian land rather than using them to promote the armed conflict in Ukraine,” the Colombian President...
Israel’s Latin American trail of terror
5 Jun 2003
Castao, who leads the Colombian paramilitaries, known by their Spanish acronym AUC, the largest right-wing paramilitary force to ever exist in the...
La gauche francaise et européenne: Avec les peuples ou avec l’...
Par Dimitris Scarpalezos
La grande explosion sociale arrive mais dans la confusion idéologique la plus extrême.
Inversement a ce qui se passe en Amérique Latine la...
Nouvelle offensive de la paix en Colombie
By Maurice Lemoine
Sep 21, 2022
« Apportez-moi l’épée de Bolivar ! » Premier président de gauche de l’histoire de la Colombie, Gustavo Petro, ce 7 août, vient de...
‘Incredible News’: Global Applause as Leftist Gustavo Petro Wins Colombian Presidency
Brazilian presidential frontrunner Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said Petro's victory "strengthens democracy and progressive forces in Latin America."
By Jake Johnson
June 20, 2022
En Colombie, «c’est maintenant ou jamais»
26 mai 2022
Maurice Lemoine
Juste quelques vibrations d’air surchauffé, pas le moindre souffle de vent. L’ATR 72-600 d’Avianca vient d’atterrir. Le taxi s’éloigne de l’aéroport....
Colombian authorities deport outstanding communicator Teri Mattson, preventing her from observing...
By COHA’s Editorial Team
Washington DC
May 23, 2022
The Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA) denounces the detention and deportation of COHA Board Member and CODEPINK Latin...
No Monroe Doctrine for NATO states: Turkey expands role in South...
Britain, France and the Netherlands continue to own possessions in the Americas.
Daily Sabah
April 27, 2022
Touting Turkey’s growing ties with Latin America while on a...
CELAC 2022: Which strategy for integration?
By Facundo Escobar
On January 7, the XXII Meeting of Foreign Ministers of CELAC (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States) was held in Buenos...
Les bananes au goût de sang : comment Chiquita a alimenté...
Par Frédéric Thomas
11 novembre 2021
La région bananière d’Uraba fut l’un des épicentres de la terreur, au cours du conflit armé colombien. Or, la multinationale Chiquita...