By Julia Conley
Feb 09, 2023
Barcelona Mayor Ada Colau on Wednesday announced her city is cutting ties with Israel and ending its symbolic 25-year-old "twin...
« L’avenir est public ». Ces 1400 remunicipalisations qui dessinent les contours des services publics de demain
Publié le : 16 juin 2020
Un nouvel ouvrage collectif tire les...
The defeats for Barcelona mayor Ada Colau and Manuela Carmena in Madrid compound recent woes for Podemos. As popular movements decline, the Spanish left’s...
Podemos, qui avait conquis en 2015 les plus grandes villes espagnoles avec les autres mouvements de gauche radicale, a perdu ces municipalités et essuyé...
They’re offering a responsible alternative to the two sets of flag-wavers on the question of independence for Catalonia.
By Andy Robinson
Madrid—Halfway between Barcelona and Madrid by...