By Peter Lazenby
February 14, 2020
THOUSANDS of students at more than 80 schools across Britain walked out on strike today, demanding government action to fight...
Jan.28, 2020
Frédéric Taddeï reçoit Jean-Luc Mélenchon, président du groupe La France insoumise à l'Assemblée nationale.
Au programme : la lutte des classes, l’euro, le capitalisme,...
Greenland's ice sheet melting seven times faster than in 1990s
Scale and speed of loss much higher than predicted, threatening inundation for hundreds of millions...
Aviva Chomsky reports on the complexities of labor’s response to the Green New Deal and little-known divisions over the plan within the environmental movement.
By Aviva Chomsky
President Trump recklessly disregards the dangers of climate change in the face of resounding scientific consensus.
Dec 03, 2018
Climate change is not just knocking on...
By Harry Cockburn,
30 August 2019
The Great Barrier Reef in Australia has deteriorated to a “critical point” with its future outlook downgraded from “poor” to...
Le réchauffement climatique sera plus fort que prévu, avertissent des scientifiques français
Le réchauffement climatique s'annonce plus prononcé que prévu, quels que soient les efforts...
By Brad Plumer
Sept. 25, 2019
Climate change is heating the oceans and altering their chemistry so dramatically that it is threatening seafood supplies, fueling cyclones...