Sunday, 8 September , 2024

Climate Change

Ecologists, Please Delink from the bipolar Climate Change Racket!

As a decades long, left leaning, KPFA listening and sponsoring, commuter bike riding, composting, plastic avoiding, bring your own cloth grocery bag environmental activist, I am seeing too much hypocrisy and closed minded smugness, and a lack of critical thinking on the part of those who I have always thought of as my people. I have come to the conclusion that those with liberal roots like me, have been sent on a fools’

An open letter to the Australian PM on the climate crisis,...

In July 2016, global temperatures soared to the hottest in the 136 years of the instrumental record, 0.1℃ warmer than previous warm Julys in 2015, 2011 and 2009. It followed a succession of rising temperatures, moving from 0.42℃ above average in 2000, to 0.87℃ above average by 2015.

Protests Against This Fracked Oil Pipeline Just Keep Getting Bigger

By Alejandro Dávila Fragoso WASHINGTON D.C — A federal court said on Wednesday it will rule next month whether to temporarily halt construction of a controversial oil pipeline...

Superstorms and the man who saw them coming

It’s sometimes forgotten, at least by those who knew in the first place, that in March 2013 the head of America’s Pacific Command, the marshal of some 328,000 personnel stationed around half the globe, told a gathering at Harvard that the top security threat in the region wasn’t Chinese aggression or North Korean nukes but global warming. Author and journalist

After COP 21: The EU Needs To Revise Its Climate Policy...

by Béla Galgóczi The 2015 COP21 summit in Paris was presented as a last chance to reach a global agreement to control climate change caused by...

History Doesn’t Go In a Straight Line

by Noam Chomsky Noam Chomsky on Bernie Sanders, Jeremy Corbyn, and the potential for ordinary people to make radical change. Throughout his illustrious career, one of...