Sunday, 8 September , 2024

Climate Change

Jeremy Corbyn’s speech at the UN headquarters (Dec. 2017)

Speaking at the United Nation’s Geneva headquarters today (December 8, 2017), Jeremy Corbyn MP, Leader of the Labour Party, made the following statement.Thank you...

Two Minutes to Doomsday

by Robert Hunziker January 30, 2018 Not since 1953, when the U.S. and the Soviets exploded thermonuclear bombs, has the world been such a powder keg! Only...

Deadly heat waves could hit South Asia this century

Without action, climate change could devastate a region home to one-fifth of humanity, study finds. By David L. Chandler August 2, 2017 In South Asia, a region...

‘Personally, I Would Rate the Likelihood of Staying Under Two Degrees...

By David Wallace-Wells Professor at Princeton, Michael Oppenheimer was the longtime chief scientist of the Environmental Defense Fund’s Climate and Air program, and was an...

Decreasing cloud cover drives the recent mass loss on the Greenland...

By Stefan Hofer, Andrew J. Tedstone,Xavier Fettweis and Jonathan L. Bamber Published  28 Jun 2017 Abstract The Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) has been losing mass at an...

Extreme Weather Events and Climate Change: NOAA and AMS Issue Annual...

by Jeff Atkins Posted December 23, 2016 The attribution of extreme events to human-induced climate change—what is termed anthropogenic climate change—has been a burgeoning scientific frontier...

Explaining extreme events of 2015 from a climate perspective

This fifth edition of explaining extreme events of the previous year (2015) from a climate perspective continues to provide evidence that climate change is...

Naomi Klein: Trump’s Treatment of Haitians Portends Brutal Future for World’s...

"This isn't only about Trump's antipathy toward non-white immigrants," she writes. "We may also be witnessing a particularly brutal form of climate change adaptation." by...

North Korea blames the US for Climate Change, Use of Nuclear...

By Tom O'Connor On 6/10/17 North Korea has accused U.S. military and environmental policies of causing climate change and producing pollution around the world. In...

Merkel’s G-20 Climate Alliance Is Crumbling

Merkel's G-20 Climate Alliance Is Crumbling Comment from anti-nuclear activist Bob Rigg:  German Chancellor Angela Merkel  had actually thought that Canada's young, charismatic prime minister,...