Monday, 24 February , 2025

Climate Change

Bernie’s Back: AOC Backs Sanders as 26,000 Rally in NYC at...

October 21, 2019 Vermont independent senator and 2020 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders held the largest campaign rally of the primary season so far on Saturday....

Jacques Chirac: The last French President

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 30/9/2019 Even if he had not accomplished anything else, Jacques Chirac will be remembered for three of his policies which bear a historic...

Jacques Chirac: A statesman’s fight for human dignity

By David Gosset 2019-09-27 It is with deep emotion that France, but also the world, remembers the former French president Jacques Chirac (1932-2019) who marked his...


Sept. 22, 2019 Cet acte 45 a marqué le retour en force des Gilets jaunes, mais aussi la convergence des contestations sociales et environnementales. Serge...

How well are EU countries doing at meeting their UN climate...

By Orlando Crowcroft 23/09/2019 World leaders are likely to make bold statements at this week's climate summit, but away from the rhetoric, how are European countries...

Acte 45 des Gilets jaunes et marche pour le climat :...

21 sept. 2019 Pour la 45e semaine consécutive, les Gilets jaunes ont battu le pavé en France. Paris s'est avéré être le point chaud :...

Heurts lors de la marche pour le climat à Paris, infiltrée...

21 sept. 2019 Lors de la marche pour le climat organisée à Paris, des heurts ont éclaté entre certains activistes et les forces de l'ordre....

Over 500 climate strikes planned in U.S. on September 20th; global...

Sep 16, 2019 Originally published: (September 6, 2019)   |  Activists of All Ages, Labor Groups, Faith Leaders, Businesses and More Join Youth-Led Climate Strikes in...

Bernie Sanders’s Green New Deal Is a Climate Plan for the...

In his just released Green New Deal proposal, Bernie Sanders brings the kind of bold, large-scale plans as well as the moral fury we...

Alaska Governor Demolishes Climate Research

by Robert Hunziker July 29, 2019 “The University of Alaska Fairbanks (“UAF”) is a hub for Arctic climate research, and a magnet for top scientists and...