06 September 2021
More than 200 health journals have called on governments to take emergency action to tackle the “catastrophic harm to health” from climate...
Chevron, Exxon and BP among companies most responsible for climate change since dawn of industrial age, figures show
By Suzanne Goldenberg
Wed 20 Nov 2013
The climate...
August 27, 2021
The Brazilian scientists were skeptical. They ran different models to check calculations, but all returned the same startling result.
The country...
Le rapport qui annonce l'apocalypse ? Valérie Masson-Delmotte et Pierre Larrouturou
SEP 8, 2021
We remind our readers that publication of articles on our site does...
By Evaggelos Vallianatos
I am not a climatologist, but I have been writing about the dangers of anthropogenic climate change since 1989. It’s like I...
By Daniel Propp
Sept. 21, 2021
I was in high school when the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released its finalized “Fifth Assessment Report.” For...
by John Ross
Oct. 31, 2021
The COP26 conference on climate change is discussing an issue which will profoundly affect every person on our planet. Climate...