By Giulia Carbonaro
Jun 9, 2022
Climate disinformation has crowded out the facts on social media over the past 18 months, outperforming science-based content even...
Many distinguished intellectuals, activists, working people, trade unionists and politicians from all five continents have just pointed out, by signing an appeal to world...
La guerre en Ukraine se poursuit, sans relâche depuis quatre mois maintenant, causant d'énormes pertes en vies humaines, la destruction tout aussi grande des...
La guerra en Ucrania continúa sin tregua desde hace cuatro meses, causando una enorme pérdida en vidas y en destrucción de infraestructura del pueblo...
By Nafeez Ahmed
26 May 2022
When the United Nations published its 2022 ‘Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction’ (GAR2022) in May, the world’s attention...
Jun 15, 2022
Nul ne sait ce que l’actuelle sécheresse qui arrive précocement dans l’année nous réserve, mais la succession répétée de ces épisodes, alliés...
By Daniel Bush
Jun 23, 2022
President Joe Biden's call on Congress Wednesday to suspend the federal gas tax has drawn fierce criticism from environmental...
Brazilian presidential frontrunner Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said Petro's victory "strengthens democracy and progressive forces in Latin America."
By Jake Johnson
June 20, 2022