Wednesday, 22 January , 2025


1950-1990 Le scandale des armées secrètes de l’OTAN (Gladio)

Il s’agit en fait plus précisément des cellules stay-behind (littéralement : restés derrière), qui étaient des réseaux clandestins coordonnés par l’OTAN. Implantées dans seize pays d’Europe de l’Ouest, ces cellules visaient à combattre une éventuelle occupation par le bloc de l’Est, se tenant prêtes à être activées en cas d’invasion par les forces du Pacte de Varsovie. La plus

President-Elect Donald Trump and “The Deep State”: Vote Rigging by Both...

The elections may have been rigged, probably by both sides, as the elusive elite, or what’s also called the ’Deep State’, may be divided. It looks like the better ‘rigger’ emerged as the winner. The final popular vote count indicates a slight advantage of Hillary over Trump. Never mind, the system was purposefully designed un-democratically in the 18th Century by the

CIA working on ‘clandestine’ cyberattack against Russia – report

The CIA is reportedly planning a “clandestine” cyberattack on Russia, in retaliation for its alleged efforts to influence the US elections against Hillary Clinton. The “wide-ranging operation” is meant to “embarrass” Russia’s leadership, NBC News reported. “Current and former officials,” who the report claims have direct knowledge of the situation, say the CIA has been tasked with providing options to the White House.

Obama Warned to Defuse Tensions with Russia

We write to alert you, as we did President George W. Bush, six weeks before the attack on Iraq, that the consequences of limiting your circle of advisers to a small, relatively inexperienced coterie with a dubious record for wisdom can prove disastrous.* Our concern this time regards Syria.

Disobeying Obama, playing with Jihad – a “state inside the state”

Murphy’s report makes clear the CIA disdain for combatting ISIS (though this altered somewhat with the beheading of American journalist James Foley in August 2014): “With the CIA wanting little to do with anti-ISIS operations as they are focused on bringing down the Assad regime, the agency kicked the can over to 5th Special Forces Group. Basing

Assad’s Death Warrant

Washington is the hands-down regime change champion, no one else even comes close. That being the case, one might assume that the American people would notice the pattern of intervention, see through the propaganda and assign blame accordingly. But that never seems to happen and it probably won’t happen here either. No matter how compelling the

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.- Why the Arabs Don’t Want Us in...

In part because my father was murdered by an Arab, I've made an effort to understand the impact of U.S. policy in the Mideast and particularly the factors that sometimes motivate bloodthirsty responses from the Islamic world against our country. As we focus on the rise of the Islamic State and search for the source of the savagery that took so many innocent lives

Syrian Conflict Escalates

Speaking before a United Nations Security Council meeting on Syria Wednesday, US Secretary of State John Kerry demagogically blamed Russia and the government of President Bashar al-Assad for the escalating violence that has left a ceasefire reached earlier this month in tatters.

Kissinger assasinates Allende inaugurating neoliberalist era

USA kills Chilean President 1973 (Chile 9/11) - Video

The CIA’s ‘Dirty War’ in South Sudan

It's that simple—the war in South Sudan is about denying China access to Africa’s oil. The Central Intelligence Agency, CIA, of the United States is funding a dirty war in South Sudan. The war in South Sudan is little different than the wars the CIA funded in Angola and Mozambique, to name two of the most infamous.