Saturday, 1 March , 2025

Chrysanthopoulos Leonidas

Why Turkey’s claims on Greek islands are without any legal basis

By Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos Ambassador at honorem Mar. 1, 2021 The Lausanne Peace Treaty with Turkey,the Agreement between Italy and Turkey of January 4,1932,the protocol between Italy and...

Which should be the next steps of Greece after the unacceptable...

By Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos Ambassador ad honorem Dec. 11, 2020 We shall not deal in analyzing the unacceptable decision of the European Council since it's not worth to...

Peace in the Caucasus

By Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos Ambassador ad honorem Nov. 10, 2020 On November 6,the Presidents of Azerbaijan,the Russian Federation and the prime Minister of Armenia signed an agreement that...

Turkish defiance exposes EU impotence

By Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos October 26, 2020 Former Greek ambassador Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos provides an update on the EU’s policy towards Turkey, which continues to make hostile...

EU incompetence reigns in Brussels

By Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos Oct. 3, 2020 At the beginning,the European Council was to convene on September 24 and 25 with only item on the agenda relations...

What is missing from the E. Comissions pact on migration and...

By Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos Ambassador ad honorem 24.9.20 The European Commission submitted on September 23 its proposal on a New Pact on Migration and Asylum.that is included in...

EU inactivity can lead to a war between Greece and Turkey...

By Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos * At the informal meeting of the EU foreign Ministers that took place in Berlin on 27 and 28 of August,it was...

Former Greek diplomat says Turkey will now face many internal problems

by Paul Antonopoulos Former Greek Diplomat to Turkey, Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos, told Sputnik Hellas that the decision to turn Hagia Sophia into a mosque would lead...

Life in the EU as torture for Greece continues

By Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos Ambassador ad honorem 24.4.20 With 92.340 deaths in the EU in the morning of April 24,the organization is still unable to coordinate a policy...

Ministre des Affaires étrangères allemand : la troïka a été un...

Par Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos Ambassadeur ad honorem 16.4.20  Sur le site officiel du ministère allemand des Affaires étrangères, nous lisons l'extrait suivant d'une interview du ministre des Affaires...