Wednesday, 12 March , 2025


Erdogan sends massively refugees and immigrants to Greece to “punish the...

The Turkish government is directing refugees and immigrants to Greece. The other members of the EU refusing to take any of them, Greece is...

Riot police withdraws from Lesvos & Chios after raging against locals...

February 27, 2020 Eight riot police squads departed from the island of Lesvos on Thursday morning after an unprecedented use of violence against people and...

Aegean: Facing a violent popular revolt, the Greek government retreats in...

Chaos on Lesvos: Locals with guns against riot police in military barracks February 26, 2020 Chaos on the island of Lesvos with the situation to have...

Révolte en mer Égée orientale

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 25/02/2020 De violents affrontements ont lieu entre les habitants et la police dans les îles grecques de Lesbos et de Chios, au nord-est...

Greece: Islanders respond to police violence with general strike; Lawsuit for...

February 25, 2020 The Regional government of the North Aegean Region, the municipality on Lesvos and the local Workers’ Center have called for a general...

Grève générale aux îles

Riot police clash with locals over migration centers on the islands (videos) La police anti-émeute s'affronte aux habitants des îles à propos des centres de...

Revolt in Eastern Aegean

Violent clashes are taking place between residents and police in the Greek islands of Lesbos and Chios in northeastern Aegean. Residents of the two...

CHIOS – La culture du mastiha (mastic)

26/08/2019 Alors que la Grèce est reconnue pour ses grands écrivains, philosophes, sites archéologiques, paysages et plages sublimes, sa cinquième plus grande île, Chios, est connue pour...

Reportage : à Chios, l’interminable transit des enfants migrants venus seuls...

Par Charlotte Boitiaux Dernière modification 01/09/2017 Un an après la signature d’un pacte migratoire entre les Européens et la Turquie, près de 60 000...