Wednesday, 22 January , 2025


Jeremy Corbyn’s speech at the UN headquarters (Dec. 2017)

Speaking at the United Nation’s Geneva headquarters today (December 8, 2017), Jeremy Corbyn MP, Leader of the Labour Party, made the following statement.Thank you...

De Córdoba à Paris: Hugo Moreno. le “Dragon” (1943-2017)

C’est dans l’année qui se termine, que notre bon ami Hugo Moreno est parti. Il était un grand homme et autant, un combattant pour...

Hugo Moreno (1943-2017) | by Carlos Abel Suárez

09/07/2017 Aunque la halles pobre, Ítaca no te ha engañado. Así, sabio como te has vuelto, con tanta experiencia, entenderás ya qué significan las Itacas. Konstantino Kabaphes Ya...

Mapuche political prisoners on the brink of death after 114 days...

By: Arnaldo Pérez Guerra Source: Resumen Latinoamericano / The Dawn News / September 28, 2017 Mapuche natives Lonko (leader) Alfredo Tralcal Coche and brothers Benito, Ariel...

Salvador Allende’s Last Speech

Salvador Allende pronounced his last speech from La Moneda on 11th September 1973.

September 11th, 1973

Footage from the 2004 Chilean movie "Machuca"

Salvador Allende: In Memoriam | by Regis Debray

SEPT. 26, 1973 PARIS—Within him , will power vibrated stronger than ideas. Salvador was first of all a man of heart, for whom all that...

The Crimes of Henry Kissinger

Christopher Hitchens details his research on the war crimes of Henry Kissinger. Hitchens details Kissinger's involvement in assassination, torture and mass murder in in Vietnam,...

The neoliberalism-shock therapy connection: Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine

Published online 16 October 2007. This is a review of Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine, a detailed, journalistic history of neoliberalism which emphasizes its connection...

40 Years Ago, This Chilean Exile Warned Us About the Shock...

Orlando Letelier’s 1976 Nation essay is still essential reading. By Naomi Klein In August 1976, The Nation published an essay that rocked the US political establishment,...