Saturday, 1 March , 2025


Reevaluating Children’s Role in the Pandemic

A large study from Austria shows that SARS-CoV-2 infects just as many schoolchildren as it does teachers. Other surveys indicate that while young children...

Yemen: in a country stalked by disease, Covid barely registers

War, hunger and devastating aid cuts have made the plight of Yemenis almost unbearable by Bethan McKernan in Ataq, Yemen 27 Nov 2020 On a ward in...

From Diego Maradona’s farewell to Fidel Castro (four years ago)

Not everyone can bury a dictatorship and challenge it in the face of the American Empire. Not everyone can eliminate illiteracy in one year....

Benjamin Netanyahu suggests microchipping kids, slammed by experts

"If the information with the kids' location is uploaded to the internet, a pedophile with some cyber knowledge my invade the system and stalk...

Tories flounder as child hunger protests grow

Education union calls for ‘urgent’action on school meals By Peter Lazenby October 27, 2020 EFFORTS to feeds hundreds of thousands of vulnerable schoolchildren continued today as the...

UPD Police’s 4-day long detention of underage student and felony charges...

October 19, 2020 A 14-year-old student has been in custody at the Police headquarters since last Thursday and is to appear in court on Monday....

Le syndrome de résignation, une pathologie qui interroge en Suède

Des enfants qui tombent dans le coma pendant des semaines, voire des mois. C'est le syndrome de résignation, une maladie psychique qui sévit en...

États-Unis: une adolescente noire incarcérée pour ne pas avoir rendu ses...

par Nina Pareja 18 juillet 2020 Photo:  Clay Banks via Unsplash Connue sous le nom d'emprunt de Grace, une adolescente de 15 ans aurait enfreint les conditions...

Ghislaine Maxwell, Associate of Jeffrey Epstein, Is Arrested

Ms. Maxwell was accused of helping Mr. Epstein recruit, groom and then sexually abuse girls, one as young as 14. Jul. 2, 2020 The girl was...

Rhodes: Starving girl faints in bakery, mother unemployed hotel worker

June 24, 2020 A 9-year-old girl collapsed inside a bakery beginning of the week and the incident brought to light a tragedy, very possible one...