Saturday, 1 March , 2025


«Le choc de cette crise va provoquer la révolution»: Entretien avec...

Par Charlotte Vautier 07 mai 2020 En 1964, Che Guevara lui a demandé de « lutter contre les travers du capitalisme ». C’est ce que le...

Childminders left ‘entirely unsupported’ as one in four receiving reduced rates

April 27, 2020 CHILDMINDERS have been left feeling “entirely unsupported” and “underappreciated,” with one in four receiving reduced rates or nothing at all to care...

Cities lobby EU to offer shelter to migrant children from Greece

Amsterdam, Barcelona and Leipzig among cities calling for action to ease humanitarian crisis By Jennifer Rank 24 Apr 2020 Ten European cities have pledged shelter to...

Les villes font pression sur l’UE pour offrir un refuge aux...

Amsterdam, Barcelone et Leipzig parmi les villes qui appellent à agir pour atténuer la crise humanitaire Jennifer Rankin à Bruxelles 24 Avr 2020 Dix villes européennes se...

World Food Programme warns: COVID-19 pandemic will cause “famines of biblical...

By Jean Shaoul 23 April 2020 The United Nations’ World Food Programme (WFP) warned Tuesday that without urgent action and funding, hundreds of millions of...

Cuba the world champion on children’s rights

March 15, 2018 Tags -1:03 Μου αρέσει! Σχόλιο

Patel refuses to take children from Greek camps threatened by Covid-19

The home secretary has ignored pleas from charities, as refugees already accepted to join family in the UK are trapped in travel chaos By Mark...

Globalization of Repression: They are blinding protesters

At least 24 Yellow Vests lost eyes in violent protests. Now they're more determined than ever July 14, 2019 t was a warm afternoon in March....

Will “Deaths of Despair” Outpace Deaths From Coronavirus?

By Toby Rogers, Ph.D., Guest Contributor March 23, 2020 By most accounts, modeling of the coronavirus epidemic by researchers at Imperial College London convinced the...

Children Political Prisoners Face Hell in Egypt

Egypt waterboards children aged 12 to 17 years for allegedly participating in protests against President Abdelfattah Al Sisi oppressive regime. By Amir Malik March 30, 2020 The...