Monday, 3 March , 2025

Chavez Hugo

Chávez on self-management: the policy he did not have the time...

First Published on April 2,2016 Introduction On October 7th, 2012, after hearing of his victory as the nation‘s candidate with 56 percent of the vote, President...

Being Honest About Venezuela

By Mike Gonzalez As Nicolás Maduro’s increasingly antidemocratic government battles violent right-wing forces, ordinary Venezuelans are watching the gains of Chavismo slip away. Venezuela descends deeper...

They hate Chaves even dead

By Resumen Latinoamericano Original post date: 2 February 2017 Latin America and the Caribbean are not just going through a neoliberal political and economical offensive through the installation of...

Venezuela’s Communes Form the Front Line of a Difficult Revolutionary Struggle

The radical writer and author of 2013’s We Created Chavez could be describing the entire Venezuelan Revolution as well. Indeed, his latest book does just that — discussing the complexities of commune building, as well as the past and current forces at battle more broadly in Venezuela.

Turkey: Oncology and Geopolitics

Like the Russian president, Mr. Erdogan did not shrink from challenging the existing status-quo, claiming for Ankara the status of leader of the Muslim world. From the point of view of the Western elite, both of these politicians have signed their own death warrants with such declarations.

Is Venezuela on the Verge of a Another Coup?

Current events in Venezuela and the political opposition’s call for global protests against President Maduro conjure memories of the 2002 coup d’état - a moment marked by violence all too familiar for most Venezuelans. The opposition’s public call for national and international protests slated for September 1st accompanied by transportation strikes in

Left debates Venezuela

The Bolivarian Revolution faces determined attacks led by Venezuelan elites. But the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) shares blame for the current situation. The party’s relationship with its mass base had deteriorated; corruption and economic turmoil impact ordinary Venezuelans; and the bid to democratize the state was largely abandoned. These all left an opening for the opposition.

Is Venezuela in Danger of a military intervention?

Source: Agencia Venezolana de Noticias (AVN) / The Dawn News / May 14, 2016. The National Bolivarian Armed Forces of Venezuela (FANB) expressed last...

The Strange Death of Hugo Chavez

by MIKE WHITNEY “Hugo Chavez defied the most powerful interests, and he refused to bow down….I believe there is a very strong possibility that President...

Left – moral collapse in Greece, strategic confusion in Europe

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos According to a reliable source in Caracas, as Hugo Chávez was dying he called his chosen successor Maduro. Among other things he...