Monday, 3 March , 2025

Chavez Hugo

« La construction d’un peuple révolutionnaire n’est pas un dîner de...

Ce mardi 10 avril 2018, nous avons rencontré Jean-Luc Mélenchon dans son bureau à l’Assemblée nationale. Au cours d’une longue discussion, le député des...

Chavismo Will Be Socialist Or It Will Cease To Exist

11 May 2018 f there was something Hugo Chavez longed to build in Venezuela, it was a transition to 21st century socialism, writes Marco Teruggi. 'Made...

Communes and Workers’ Control in Venezuela – interview with Dario Azzellini

By Ricardo Vaz Source: Investig’Action April 27, 2018 “The communes should be the space in which we are going to give birth to socialism.” – these were...

Latin America: The Pendulum Swings to the Right | by James...

  Introduction Clearly the pendulum has swung to the right in the past few years. Numerous questions arise. What kind of right? How far right? How...

There is Still Time to Prevent Civil War in Venezuela

by Eva Golinger July 28, 2017 As Latin America celebrates the end of the region’s longest violent conflict in Colombia, I have watched with pain and...

Venezuela zwischen den Fronten

Die Nachrichten aus dem erdölreichsten Land der Welt überschlagen sich dieser Tage. Sie zeichnen meist ein ziemlich undifferenziertes Bild eines Machtkampfes zwischen  dem rechtsgerichteten...

Correcting Eva Golinger on Venezuela

by Stansfield Smith August 18th, 2017 As the class struggle heated up in Venezuela this year, fueled by interventionist threats by the pro-US Organization of American...

A Review of US Media Coverage on Venezuela

By Richard Seymour TeleSUR English August 25th 2017 Donald Trump has warned that Washington is considering a “military option” in Venezuela. This follows Trump’s earlier threat to...

Le Venezuela est-il victime d’une guerre économique ?

Un gouvernement autoritaire qui affame son peuple et le réprime à coups de matraques : c’est de cette manière que la situation au Venezuela...

Venezuela’s long history of racism is coming back to haunt it

By Hazel Marsh Over the last four months, hardly a day has gone by without news coverage of the political and economic crisis in...