Wednesday, 26 March , 2025

Central Asia

Erdogan claims Greek “city of Thessaloniki” is part of Turkey

Jan 27, 2025 In his latest tirade, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan redefined the borders of his country that include “the city of Thessaloniki,” the...

The Foreign Militants Among The Ranks Of Syria’s New Rulers

By Farzon Muhammadi, Doruntina Baliu, Meliha Kesmer, Farangis Najibullah and Frud Bezhan Dec 13, 2024 Hundreds of foreign fighters are in the ranks of the Syrian militants who...

Détruire et démembrer la Syrie

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos  11 décembre 2024 Κάλλιον το προλαμβάνειν του θεραπεύειν, Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir, Hippocrate La presse et les gouvernements occidentaux (y compris l’inénarrable nôtre) célèbrent la...

Destroying and Dismembering Syria

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos «Το δε προνοείν και προλαμβάνειν κρείττον εστί του θεραπεύειν» “Predicting and preventing is better than cure.” – Hippocrates Western media and governments (including our...

Russia-Kazakhstan floods: Is climate change warming the Ural Mountains and western...

Reserach papers note that the Urals are indeed warming; as is Kazakhstan, a former Soviet Republic and among the largest countries globally by area By...

October Revolution: The first general recognition of women’s equality in History

The land of the October revolution: a country of women walking on the road to emancipation By Armağan Tulunay Take the position of women. In this...

How Nations Could End Israeli Genocide: Stop the Weapons, Stop the...

By Marcy Winograd* February 21, 2024 If the nations of the world–particularly the United States and the Arab countries–wanted to stop Israel’s slaughter, torture and...

Solidarity addresses to the demonstration of 25.11 in Berlin

European Liaison Committee Against War - Against Social War Solidarity addresses to the demonstration of 25 November in Berlin Austria Vienna 18.11.23 Dear colleagues, For more than 30 years,...

Un nettoyage ethnique est un nettoyage ethnique, pas une migration de...

Par Dimitris Georgopoulos Oct 10, 2023 Je lis des titres très étranges comme celui-ci qui parle de migration de masse : La migration de masse du Haut-Karabakh...

An ethnic cleansing is an ethnic cleansing, not a mass migration!

By Dimitris Georgopoulos I am reading some very strange headlines like this one speaking of mass migration: Mass Migration From Nagorno-Karabakh Continues As Breakaway Republic...