Friday, 28 March , 2025


21st Century Capital – Post-Soviet Marxist Reflections

Authors Alexander Buzgalin and Andrei Kolganov in discussion with David Lane, Radhika Desai and David Kotz How would Marx have understood twenty-first-century capitalism? For...

Geopolitics, war, climate and economy: The need for a global alternative...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos* The present still dominant global economic system is a generalized, expanded and globalized form of the one prevailing in western capitalism during...

The New Imperialist Structure

by Samir Amin Contemporary capitalism is a capitalism of generalized monopolies. What I mean by that is that monopolies no longer form islands (important as...

Multipolarity: The need for a positive content

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*) I believe the demand for multipolarity is the most fundamental and the most genuinely democratic demand of our times. I am very...

US and Europe behind majority of global ecological damage, says study

Groundbreaking report is first to assign responsibility for damage caused by 160 countries in past 50 years By Arthur Neslen Apr 6, 2023 The US and Europe...

The world is changing irreversibly

By Prof. Zahari Zahariev (*) The current international situation is characterized by growing instability, which contributes to the expansion of the scale of terrorism and...

Peace has no meaningful alternative. Four theses

By Tamás Krausz (*) First thesis Even though the imperialism of the 21st century is connected to the developments of the 20th century with a thousand...

Nestlé’s Blatant Misconduct Shows Us the Darkness of Capitalism

From inventing the need for mass-scale baby formula leading to the deaths of infants, to redirecting much needed water from impoverished areas to bottle...

Petro Raises a Global Transformations Agenda at CELAC Summit

The Colombian president proposes to use renewable natural resources and ecosystems of global importance as "cards" of geopolitical negotiation. Jan 24, 2023 On Tuesday, Colombian President...

Санкции срещу Русия или санкции срещу Европа?

Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, 18/12/2023, Повечето сериозни наблюдатели са съгласни, че санкциите на ЕС срещу руския петрол не само няма да засегнат руските приходи, но вероятно ще...