Monday, 31 March , 2025


Human Anxiety in Late-Stage Capitalism

Superficial explanations for today’s social anxiety and political discontent miss the underlying reality: the crisis of late-stage capitalism in its frantic death throes, explains...

Capitalism, the State and the Drowning of America

by Ted Steinberg As Hurricane Harvey lashed Texas, Naomi Klein wasted no time in diagnosing the “real root causes” behind the disaster, indicting “climate pollution,...

Chronicle of a Flood Foretold

By Jeffrey St. Clair Houston didn’t need to be warned. The city had already been sunk by four major hurricanes, each less powerful than Harvey,...

Capital at 150: History in Capital and Capital in History

By Radhika Desai Karl Marx, Capital, Volume 1. London: Penguin and New Left Books, Translated by Ben Fowkes, with an introduction by Ernest Mandel. ‘Marx was the...

Imperialism Is Alive and Kicking: A Marxist Analysis of Neoliberal Capitalism

By C.J. Polychroniou, Truthout | Interview The concept of imperialism has fallen out of the political lexicon of many leftists in the West, with...

It is imperative to construct a 5th International of workers and...

1 For the last thirty years the world system has undergone an extreme centralization of power in all its dimensions, local and international, economic and...

L’ indispensable construction d’ une 5eme Internationale des travailleurs et de...

SAMIR AMIN 1 Le système en place depuis une trentaine d’années est caractérisé par l’extrême centralisation du pouvoir dans toutes ses dimensions, locales et internationales, économiques,...

President Trump: Nationalist Capitalism, An Alternative to Globalization

By James Petras* Original post date: 31 January 2017 During his inaugural speech, President Trump clearly and forcefully outlined the strategic political-economic policies he will pursue...

Do You Need a Ride or a Checkered Pattern?

By Boris Kagarlitsky The events currently unfolding in the United States, and discussions of the American Left regarding Trump, remind me of the famous Soviet...

Is capitalism destroying himself or us and democracy?

More than four years on, we know that in 2012 the political fallout was only just beginning. It was in December 2011 that David Cameron reopened the European question by opting out of the new ‘fiscal compact’ drawn up by Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy with the aim of enforcing budget discipline across the EU. In the US in spring 2012, Mitt Romney emerged as the candidate from the Republican primaries, but the freakshow anticipated the Trump campaign to come. In Italy the ousting of Berlusconi in a backroom coup in November 2011 and the installation of the ‘unpolitical’ economist Mario Monti as prime minister set the stage for the emergence of Beppe Grillo and Five Star in the local elections of May 2012. In France as the fiscal compact began to bite, François Hollande’s presidency was dead almost before it had started.