Monday, 24 February , 2025


Corona-Crisis and Two Models of Capitalism | Dimitris Konstantakopoulos

Published by Valdai Discussion Club It is clear that we are entering worldwide an era of very grave social, political and international conflicts and we...

«Le choc de cette crise va provoquer la révolution»: Entretien avec...

Par Charlotte Vautier 07 mai 2020 En 1964, Che Guevara lui a demandé de « lutter contre les travers du capitalisme ». C’est ce que le...

Political Hope Rises

The first in a seven-part, multi-week series of commentary on the COVID-19 crisis By Radhika Desai May 6, 2020 This is the first in a seven-part, multi-week...

Can the Internet be saved?

by Chris Spannos 7 April 2018 News that Cambridge Analytica exploited the huge cache of Facebook user data, and that Facebook elevated commercial interests above...

A propos des Gilets jaunes

Par Tony Andreani 27 Novembre 2019 Nous sommes entrés dans « l’ère du peuple », selon Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Mais de quel peuple s’agit-il ? Ce n’est pas,...

Jeff Bezos is the planet’s richest man, and Covid-19 is making...

By Jason O’Toole, who has worked as a senior feature writer for the Irish Daily Mail, a columnist with the Irish Sunday Mirror and...

Covid-19 is a sign of our fate if we do not...

by Farooque Chowdhury and Michael D. Yates Apr 12, 2020 In the backdrop of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, Michael D. Yates, decades-long union activist, director...

Trump, neo-fascism, and the COVID-19 Pandemic

by Michael D. Yates and John Bellamy Foster Apr. 11, 2020 John Bellamy Foster has the distinction of having expertise in both political economy and ecology,...

Capitalism versus Life on Earth

by Ian Angus November 19, 2019 Environmental destruction isn’t driven by human nature or mistaken ideas. It is an inevitable consequence of a system built on...

This Crisis Has Exposed the Absurdities of Neoliberalism. That Doesn’t Mean...

The coronavirus shock has shaken the world’s stock markets, imposing the need for massive state bailouts. But the measures to deal with the crisis...