Saturday, 29 March , 2025


The List of Shame. Countries supporting the genocide of Palestinians

Who voted against ceasefire in UN? Israel  US Papua New Guinea Paraguay Austria Czechia Guatemala Liberia Micronesia Nauru Which countries abstained against ceasefire? Argentina Bulgaria Cabo Verde Cameroon Equatorial Guinea Georgia Germany Hungary Italy Lithuania Malawi Marshall Islands Netherlands Palau Panama Romania Slovakia South Sudan Togo Tonga Ukraine United Kingdom Uruguay We remind our readers that publication of articles...

Destination Africa: The scramble to sell cyberweapons to dictators

Predator spyware, bulk surveillance among offers prepared for countries known for human rights abuses. By Elisa Braun December 7, 2022 4:04...

11 Nations on Board as UN Secretary-General Pushes Global Ceasefire

As pandemic escalates, Guterres suggests parties put down their arms  Posted oApril 3, 2020ories Tags With the world in the throes of the calamitous COVID-19...

Les démocraties néo-coloniales libérales contre la souveraineté nationale

Roland Diagne, Collectif Afrique Pour vaincre la première phase de la lutte pour l'indépendance africaine, l'impérialisme Français a utilisé : - les massacres de masses parfois...

Sankara, Françafrique, CFA, où va l’Afrique ?

Interview de Louis Magloire Keumayou, Journaliste pigiste de nationalité camerounaise et Président du Club de l'Information Africaine, en direct à 19h le 13/09/2018.

US and European military operations in West Africa set the stage...

By Eddie Haywood 20 October 2017 The war being conducted in West Africa by the United States in partnership with its European counterparts France...