Saturday, 22 February , 2025


Greek protests about Macedonia are complicating US-NATO plans for war with...

For the BBC (16.00 London time) a revolt in Greece directly threatening the expansion of NATO was not among top stories. It preferred to speak...

Balkans and Ukraine, 25 years after the fall of “Communism”

Europe is listed as one of the richest places in the world but there is another side to europe as well. Some of the...

Turkey, Russia and Interesting New Balkan Geopolitics

By F. William Engdahl The geopolitical template of the entire European Union is undergoing one of its most profound changes since the collapse of the...

Challenges and crisis for the Balkans and Europe

By Dr. Nikolay Tomov, executive director of “Slaviani”Foundation” at the International conference "Refugees from the Perspective of International Migration Issues: Diversities, Cross-Cultural Communication and...

NATO opens new fronts with Russia, Germany protests

Days after it was revealed that the US had dispatched the destroyer USS Porter to the Black Sea, in what the US Navy said was "a series of drills with allies and forces of partner nations in what the United States called a routine deployment",