Sunday, 23 February , 2025


Mélenchon: “L’Union européenne, on la change ou on la quitte”

"L'heure du plan B va sonner. Ma candidature pour l'élection présidentielle est celle de la sortie des traités européens. Plus que jamais l'intérêt de notre pays est celui d'une politique de coopération sur le vieux continent et avec le monde plutôt que le libre-échange et la concurrence libre et non faussée", a-t-il déclaré dans un billet posté sur son compte Facebook.

Le Brexit peut être un service rendu à l’Europe

Le peuple britannique n’a pas cédé au chantage et à la peur orchestrés par les milieux économiques dominants. Son vote courageux a montré qu’il mettait la démocratie, c’est-à-dire le contrôle des décisions qui le concernent, au-dessus de tout. L’Angleterre a montré encore une fois son esprit d’indépendance et son caractère qui est justement ce pour quoi nous l’aimons.

End of Regime in Europe!

One may agree or disagree with Brexit. But he has to admit that here we have to do with a clear anti-estabishment revolt of the British, a revolt with clearly national but also clear class characteristics. Look for instance the pattern of the vote. City voted overwhelmingly to remain in the Union, the popular, de-industrialized and agricultural regions of the country, the “lost of globalization”, very much for Brexit.

George Soros is wrong about Brexit and the pound

by Bernard Connolly Note from the editor-in-chief: Everyone with financial assets in the UK and everyone voting in tomorrow’s referendum should read the article by Bernard...

EU Campaign Damages Respect For Politicians

A Sky Data poll reveals the majority of Britons think the campaigns have been unhelpful in making a decision on how to vote. A majority of voters say they now have less respect for politicians as a result of the bitterly contested EU referendum campaign, a Sky Data Snap Poll reveals.

The Big Guns Are Out: Soros, Rothschild Warn Of Brexit Doom;...

24 years later Soros is back, and this time he is warning against the kind of devaluation that made him a billionaire and which he believes will be unleashed by Brexit, when in a Guardian Op-Ed he wrote that U.K. voters are “grossly underestimating” the true costs of a vote to leave the EU, saying that there would be an "immediate and dramatic impact on financial markets, investment, prices and jobs."

Cameron’s vision for Europe

70 years ago, Europe was being torn apart by its second catastrophic conflict in a generation. A war which saw the streets of European cities strewn with rubble. The skies of London lit by flames night after night. And millions dead across the world in the battle for peace and liberty

George Soros threatens British!

David Cameron, along with the Treasury, the Bank of England, the International Monetary Fund and others have been attacked by the leave campaign for exaggerating the economic risks of Brexit. This criticism has been widely accepted by the British media and many financial analysts. As a result, British voters are now grossly underestimating the true costs of leaving.

Corbyn remains, but not unconditionally

Jeremy Corbyn’s Sky News special on the EU was very different to the bantering of last big television outing, on the late night Last Leg show. Then, the atmosphere was loud with the audience apparently fuelled by a few drinks. Tonight the only hard stuff on offer was policy.

After the EU……what?

“To be or not to be?”, was the question that tortured Hamlet. “To be or not to be in Europe?” is the question the British put to themselves time and time again, usually only to avoid giving an unambiguous answer. For the French writer Andre Maurois, England is a country “alone but not isolated” (insulaire mais pas isolée