Brazil’s True Believers: Bolsonaro and the Risks of an Election Year
Jair Boonaro, Brazil’s president, risks losing his October bid for re-election. If he disputes the result, his shrinking but increasingly far-right support base might...
US Coup Specialist Victoria Nuland Visits Brazil
By Nathalia Urban
May 1, 2022
With an election six months away which promises to be far from business as usual, the notorious US official Victoria...
Brazilian presidential candidate (and favorite) Lula: “Instead of depending on the...
By Yunus Soner
With contribution from Douglas Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela
May 5, 2022
“We cannot depend on the US dollar. We will reestablish relations our relations with...
Indigenous protest camp erected in Brazilian capital to press land rights
BRASILIA, April 4 (Reuters) - Hundreds of indigenous people began gathering in the Brazilian capital on Monday for a 10-day protest camp to defend...
Destruction of Amazon Rainforest Accelerates as Elections Loom in Brazil
By Mike Ludwig,
March 30, 2022
Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil’s far right president, is launching a reelection bid and currently trailing in the polls behind former president...
Crisis & Critique: Venezuela and the New Latin American Left
With leftist leaders winning back power in Latin America, how will they handle the "Venezuela issue"? Ociel López breaks it down.
By Ociel Alí López*
OTAN, suspends ton vol !
Maurice Lemoine
Mar 14, 2022
C’est l’histoire d’un type qui passe devant un chien et qui lui donne un grand coup de pied. L’animal jappe. Impassible,...
Pronounced loss of Amazon rainforest resilience since the early 2000s
By Chris A. Boulron Timothy M. Lenton & Niklas Boers
Mar 7, 2022
The resilience of the Amazon rainforest to climate and land-use change is crucial for...
Vote en assemblée générale de l’ONU : La Russie est elle...
par Dominique Delawarde
Mar 4, 2022
Sur les 193 pays représentés à l’ONU le 2 mars 2022, 141 ont voté contre la Russie, 5 ont voté...
Washington bears ‘special responsibility’ for Russia-Ukraine situation: Global Times editorial
By Global Times
Mar 01, 2022
The military conflict between Ukraine and Russia will enter its sixth day on March 1.
The war has created new divisions...