Brazil: 150000 People filled the enormous Copacabana beach in a Historical...
By Fania Rodrigues and Mariana Pitasse
Source: Brasil de Fato / The Dawn News
May 28, 2017
Credit of the Photographs: Direct Now Movement
150.000 people participated this...
Brazil: The Continental Strikes
The history of general strikes in Brazil shows why last month’s — the country’s largest yet — was so vital
By Marcelo Badaró
Source: Jacobin Mag...
35 Million-Strong Strike Against Temer’s Neoliberal Reforms Brings Brazil to a...
Amid record levels of unemployment and a terribly unpopular government, unions and citizens from all walks of life are taking part in one of...
[Photo Gallery] Brazil’s National Strike Against Temer’s Reforms
Down below we bring you a sum up in pictures of the mobilizations at Brazil against Temer’s reforms.
The Dawn News Exclusive Photo
The Dawn News...
The World condemns USA – BRICS issue historic joint statement on...
BRICS Issues Joint Statement: Illegal Military Intervention in Syria Is Unacceptable
The joint BRICS statement says military action in Syria without authorization from the UN...
Temer government set to overthrow Brazil’s environmental agenda
A catastrophic setback to environmental and indigenous protections was narrowly averted last week when quick action from two federal deputies prevented the agricultural lobby from forcing passage of bills to authorize construction of three mega-industrial waterways in the Amazon and elsewhere.
Rousseff on the US-backed coup in Brazil
Brazil’s Dilma on being betrayed
Former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff tells Mehdi Hasan her biggest regrets and proudest achievements.
Wall Street and the Pentagon: Pre-mature Political and Military Ejaculations
Wall Street and the Pentagon greeted the onset of 2016 as a ‘banner year’, a glorious turning point in the quest for malleable regimes willing to sell-off the most lucrative economic resources, to sign off on onerous new debt to Wall Street and to grant use of their strategic military bases to the Pentagon.
The MST leader on the situation in Brazil
We, the Brazilian working class are going through a very difficult moment, especially for the left. We’re coming from a period that we in Brazil call “the decline of political struggles”. Obviously, over the last three years the right managed to accumulate much more strength, because it made an important alliance with conservative sectors of the judicial power and of
Brazil’s Largest Social Movement Occupies Govt for Land Rights
More than 1,000 activists from Brazil’s largest social movement occupied the Ministry of Planning in Brasilia Monday morning to demand authorities address the needs of rural and farming communities. The protest kicked off a three-day national action bringing together thousands of demonstrators fighting for the rights of hundreds of thousands of landless