Coca-Cola And Nestlé To Privatize The Largest Reserve Of Water In South America
By Amanda Froelich
Source: Truth Theory
The Dawn News
February 5, 2018
Private companies such as...
Source: Telesur
The Dawn News
January 22, 2018
Most of the killings in Latin America took place in Colombia, Brazil, Mexico and Honduras, according to the report.
By teleSUR
24 January 2018
TeleSUR speaks to Sabrina Fernandes, a professor and researcher at the University of Brasilia.
In an exclusive interview with teleSUR, Brazilian professor...
par Rachel Knaebel
5 janvier 2018
Fin décembre, un procès inédit a débuté en Argentine : d’anciens cadres de la multinationale automobile Ford sont jugés pour leur...
Final Declaration of the Meeting of BRICS Country Specialists in traditional medicine
The Meeting of BRICS country specialists in traditional medicine was held as part...
Aunque la halles pobre, Ítaca no te ha engañado.
Así, sabio como te has vuelto, con tanta experiencia,
entenderás ya qué significan las Itacas.
Konstantino Kabaphes
By Michael Roberts
16 November 2017
Brazil faces a presidential election in October 2018. This will offer a new benchmark for which way Brazilian politics and...
By Martín Pastor
Source: Rebelión / October 23, 2017
Recent military exercises in Amazonia shed light on the renewed US presence in Latin America.
The US army...