Operation Condor 2.0 | The new Monroe Doctrine
Operation Condor 2.0: After Bolivia coup, Trump dubs Nicaragua ‘national security threat’ and targets Mexico
After presiding over a far-right coup in Bolivia, the US...
En Bolivia está en marcha una política fascista electoral es unaregresión...
El análisis de James Petras en CX36, 2 de diciembre de 2019
Mientras quien fuera dirigente en las FARC guerrillera, ‘Timochenko’ -Rodrigo Londoño- saluda muy...
Bolivia and Israel, the superpower hidden behind the US
Bolivia Renews Diplomatic Ties with Israel
30 November, 2019
Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz has welcomed Bolivia's decision to restore relations with Israel.
Ties were severed on...
Morales Vows To Do What’s Best for Bolivia, Not Afraid of...
The President confirmed that he will be "where he serves more" to the Bolivian people and their political party, whether in asylum in Mexico or...
Bolivia protests falter after deal with ‘interim’ gov’t
By Seth Galinsky
For two weeks workers, peasants and indigenous communities organized protests across Bolivia against the ouster of President Evo Morales. These have wound...
Bolivian senator: Evo Morales fell due to betrayals, errors
November 26, 2019
Evo Morales fell from power in Bolivia due to betrayals by those he trusted and mistakes in his own party...
They’re Killing Us Like Dogs: A Massacre in Bolivia and a...
By Medea Benjamin
November 22nd, 2019
I am writing from Bolivia just days after witnessing the November 19 military massacre at the Senkata gas plant...
Bolivie : Coup d’Etat raciste contre ses peuples indigènes!
par Yorgos Mitralias
18 novembre 2019
Que se passe-t-il ces jours-ci en Bolivie ? Et s’il s’agit d’un coup d’Etat, que veulent et qui ciblent les putschistes ?...
«Nous refusons d’être brûlés»: 500 ans de résistance, de colonisation et...
Par Maya Ajchura Chipana,
26 novembre 2019
J'écris ceci parce que je ne vois pas beaucoup de voix boliviennes représentées dans les médias. Voici mon...
The Massacre in Sacaba, Bolivia
Nov. 22, 2019
The Massacre in Sacaba, BoliviaBolivia: Sacaba still has fresh footprints from the massacre perpetrated by the coup government.Δημοσιεύτηκε από teleSUR English στις...