Syria and the Dismembering of the Arab world – revisited after...
By Makram Khoury-Machool
Aug 2, 2022
Despite Syrians’ clear right to defend the secularity of their way of life, the aim of the West is to...
Fascism is knocking at the door of Europe (with the support...
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
For the first time since the defeat of German Nazism in 1945, a political force with a fascist origin and far right...
La guerre en Ukraine expliquée à un extraterrestre !
La guerre en Ukraine expliquée à un extraterrestre !
Jul 20, 2022
We remind our readers that publication of articles on our site does not mean...
Abstention : le rejet d’une démocratie devenue formelle ? – par Eric...
Jul 21, 2021
Et si l’abstention aux dernières élections régionales et départementales exprimait quelque chose de bien plus profond que l’indifférence de l’électorat ?
L’abstention qui a...
Odious War Criminal Bernard-Henri Lévy Endorses the Belarusian “Opposition”
August 20, 2020 mments
In the first photo, the self-appointed leader of the European Belarus citizen Tikhanovskaya and one Bernard-Henri Lévy. A “philosopher”, a...
La nouvelle provocation de BHL qui justifie son engagement en Libye...
22 Novembre 2011
Le philosophe français Bernard Henri Levy, qui y est pour beaucoup dans la décision de Nicolas Sarkozy de s’engager militairement en Libye...
France-Turkey naval clash: Proxy war in Libya enters a new stage
By Dr. Karin Kneissl
Jul.27, 2020
A confrontation between the two NATO states France and Turkey continues to trouble the Mediterranean region; Egyptian forces are mobilizing. And...
La campagne libyenne de Bernard-Henri Lévy
Arrivé en retard en Égypte, BHL est un artisan important du virage diplomatique international qui vient de s'opérer vis-à-vis de la Libye
Par Renaud Girard
Organizing the destruction of Libya: Henri-Levy linking Libyans, Sarkozy and Netanyahu
Bernard-Henri Levy blunders on Israeli-Libyan 'mission'
by Leela JACINTO
Bernard-Henri Levy is known to weigh in on weighty international issues. But when the controversial French...
Bernard-Henri Lévy vs. Aleksandr Dugin – Nexus Symposium 21 September 2019,...
To celebrate our 25th anniversary, the Nexus Symposium 2019, ‘The Magic Mountain Revisited’, revolved around the themes and music from The Magic Mountain. As...