Saturday, 22 February , 2025

Basque Country


Réalisateur Thomas Lacoste « Je suis très heureux de découvrir ce film qui s’avère extraordinaire pour comprendre pourquoi ce peuple a participé à la lutte pour...

For the protection of Josu Urrutikoetxea peace negotiator

Nobel Peace and Literature Prize winners, leading diplomats, experts in conflict resolution, stateswomen and statesmen, more than 70 parliamentarians, magistrates, intellectuals and artists from...

Appel international des 125 – Pour la libération de Josu Urrutikoetxea

Des personnalités internationales engagées dans le processus de paix au Pays Basque, des magistrats, des parlementaires, des intellectuels, etc. unissent leur voix pour demander...

Xistor: Donnons une chance à la paix !

Petition Donnons toutes ses chances à la paix ! Libérez Frédéric «Xistor » Haramboure ! Depuis plusieurs années, au Pays Basque, la société civile, appuyée par des représentants politiques...

Spanish state: How and why the Rajoy government fell. What now...

Spanish state: How and why the Rajoy government fell By Dick Nichols June 5, 2018 On June 1, the Spanish government of the ruling People’s Party (PP)...

Gagner la paix

Txetx Etcheverry(E)K EGINA 2018/05/07 La fin définitive et sans ambiguïté de l’organisation ETA place aujourd’hui les Etats espagnol et français devant leurs responsabilités. Elle marque l’ouverture...

From Eta to the IRA, making peace means talking to the...

By Jonathan Powell 4 May 2018 In Belfast three weeks ago we celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Good Friday agreement, which ended political violence in...

Catalonia and the Spanish State

Jorge Tamames reviews Spanish nationalism, the ‘regime of 1978’ and prospects for constitutional reform in Spain towards a pluri-national state. He sadly notes: “Podemos...

Renewed Sortu sets 2026 as target date for sovereign Basque Republic

By Dick Nichols Original Post Day: 3 February 2017 On January 21, in Bilbao’s hyper-modern Euskalduna Conference Centre, the Basque left pro-independence party Sortu concluded its...

Spanish Soap Opera ends in drama

Last September 25th Basque and Galician citizens went to the polls to elect their autonomous parliaments. Some political analysts thought that the elections could be a catalyst for change in the Spanish political situation. The outcome was, more or less, what was expected, but it has had unforeseen consequences: a civil war inside the Spanish