Sunday, 23 February , 2025


Des profits sur la Grèce

21 août 2018 par Eric Toussaint J’ai perdu beaucoup de plumes dans la crise de la dette depuis 2010. Ce qui ne m’empêchera pas de...

The Radiography of the Greek Disaster, by the IMF

From the latest IMF report. 1. The longest depression in history, still going... 2. Lead to impoverishment of a large part of the population 3. After 9...

La politique de la Troïka en Grèce : Voler le peuple...

Par Eric Toussaint 20 août 2018 Le 20 août 2018, le gouvernement grec d’Alexis Tsipras, le FMI et les dirigeants européens célèbrent la fin du 3e...

Greece’s Ordeal Is Far From Over

Only genuine debt relief can ensure it won’t be back in crisis. August 20, 2018 Greece reaches an important milestone today: After nearly nine years of crisis,...

Hudson on the destruction of Greeks and Greece

June 8, 2018 Also watch The Delphi Initiative - Speech by Michael Hudson

Germany wants to see Turkey prosper, Merkel says

August 13 2018 Chancellor Angela Merkel says that Germany wants to see Turkey prosper economically and is stressing the importance of its central bank’s independence. Merkel...

Depositors – Not Taxpayers – Will Take the Hit for the...

By Barbara G. Ellis, Ph.D. August 08, 2018 The Federal Reserve’s recent undermining of the Volcker Rule brings depositors closer than ever to a Cyprus-style “bail-in”...

Comment socialiser le secteur bancaire, par Eric Toussaint et Patrick Saurin

26.juin.2018 Parce que les capitalistes ont démontré à quel point ils étaient capables de commettre des délits et de prendre des risques – dont ils...

Socialising the banks: some historical examples

by Eric Toussaint 21 March 2018 How well a country controls its banks has a profound effect on its history. The Paris Commune was wrong to spare...

Congress and Trump: Finance Uber Alles

Congress Approves First Big Dodd-Frank Rollback By Alan Rappeport and Emily Flitter May 22, 2018 WASHINGTON — A decade after the global financial crisis tipped the United...