Les banques grecques devraient supprimer jusqu'à 4 000 postes de travail au cours de l'année 2019, ont rapporté lundi divers médias grecs.
Comme par le...
by Gerhard Schick
14th November 2018
A gang of bankers and lawyers has plundered the treasuries of eleven European countries. The estimated damage from what...
he 'yellow vest' upheaval has exposed longstanding problems in France's economy, Christine Bierre, French journalist and chief editor of Nouvelle Solidarité, has told Sputnik,...
November 12, 2018
Greek systemic banks are forced to cut 8,000 personnel and close down 800 branches across the country. The Single Supervisory Mechanism of...
June 27, 2015
There are two indelibly weaved strands of information highly relevant to the current standoff playing out between Greece and its creditors but...