Saturday, 1 March , 2025


After Alleged Police Brutality Shown, Greek PM Will Require Bodycams

Mar. 14, 2021 ATHENS - Accused of losing control of a COVID-19 lockdown that led to violent demonstrations that saw police accused of brutality and...

Greece: A turn in Koufontinas case?

Mar. 13, 2021 Α number of leftist and organizations for the defense human rights have issued an appeal to the “militant Dimitris Koufontinas to save...

Aurora Police Killed Without Consequence, Now Their Protestors Face 48 Years...

The cops and the district attorneys want people to see what we are going through — the conditions of our arrests, our experiences in...

Les quartiers d’Athènes se soulèvent !

par Yannis Youlountas Mar.13, 2021 Vendredi 12 mars 2021. Dimitris Koufontinas est encore vivant. Dix ans après le mouvement des places, la Grèce commence à redescendre...

10,000 march in Thessaloniki after police siege of university

Mar.12, 202 Campaigners against a new government law allowing police to attack university grounds had been occupying the Aristotle University’s Rector’s Office, until a dawn...

Greek PM Mitsotakis Decries Influence of Social Media After Police Videos

By Patricia Claus March 12, 2021 During his Friday remarks before Parliament, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis decried the widespread influence of social media in the...

Mitsotakis peut-il devenir un “Thatcher grec”, et qui le pousse à...

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 8 mars 2021 Le gouvernement grec semble capable - et le seul capable - de provoquer une sorte de révolution dans le pays...

Grèce : Manifestations anti-gouvernementales massives, black-out médiatique massif

Par Andreas Maris 11/03/2021 Les médias internationaux, y compris ceux qui ont des correspondants en Grèce, ont imposé un black-out quasi total aux informations en provenance...

La révolte et la répression s’étendent à Thessalonique

par Yannis Youlountas Mar.12, 2021 Jeudi 11 mars 2021. Dimitris Koufontinas est encore vivant. La tension continue de monter en Grèce. « La junte est de retour...

Greece: Massive anti-government demonstrations, massive news blackout

By Andreas Maris  International media, including media which have correspondents in Greece, have imposed a near total blackout to information coming from this country. This...