Sunday, 23 February , 2025


Trump’s Alliance with Body-Choppers, Death Squads and Child Killers: Saudi Arabia,...

By James Petras 10.16.2018 Introduction In recent weeks the White House has embraced the contemporary version of the world’s most murderous regimes. President Trump has embraced the...

La crucifixion de Julian Assange – Ce qui arrive à Assange...

20 Novembre 2018 Le silence sur le traitement d’Assange n’est pas seulement une trahison à son égard, mais une trahison de la liberté de la...

Cuba’s ‘Si Yo Puedo’ Helps Panama Cut Illiteracy in Half

8 September 2018 The largest percentage of those who are illiterate in Panama is concentrated in the comarca of Ngabe-Bugle and the provinces of Veraguas...

The Hidden History Of The Women Who Rose Up

By John Pilger July 07, 2018 Like all colonial societies, Australia has secrets. The way we treat Indigenous people is still mostly a secret. For a...

Is Trump Preparing to Strike Iran?

by Binoy Kampmark August 1, 2018 The world of the terrifying hypothetical is programmatically standard in the Trump White House.  Periods of tense calm are followed...

Trump (Netanyahu) ready to bomb Iran within one month say Australian...

New reporting from Australia's ABC news comes amid warning that "Trump's reckless threats" should not be ignored by Andrea Germanos Jyl. 27, 2018 Trump's White House is...

Mattis against Trump (Netanyahu)

Mattis: US Not Seeking Regime Change in Iran Dismisses reports of planned US attack as 'fiction' By Jason Ditz Posted on July 27, 2018 In an...

Senate recognises climate change but fails to draw the obvious conclusions

By David Spratt May 25, 2018 Climate change is “a current and existential national security risk”, according to a Senate report released on May 17. It...

Outcome of Assange Case Could Undermine the Rights of Millions

If Australia reneges on its obligations to protect Assange and fight for his rights, the implications such actions would hold for every other citizen...

Hommage à Alan Roberts 1925-2017

Par Hall Greenland Ouvrier d’usine, puis Professeur de physique, et devenu un pionnier de l’écologie, Alan Roberts au retour de la deuxième guerre mondiale a...