Saturday, 22 February , 2025


Triple assassinat sans commanditaire apparent

par Jean-Paul Champseix Le titre de l’ouvrage pourrait être celui d’un roman, inspiré d’Edgar Poe. Pourtant, l’affaire est bien réelle et l’enquête qui est menée...

Grassroots Chavista Leader Assassinated in Caracas

A local leader of Venezuela’s United Socialist Party (PSUV) was gunned down in south-central Caracas Monday by alleged members of an armed criminal group. Elizabeth Aguilera, 43, was the head of the local PSUV chapter– known as Bolívar-Chávez Battle Units– in the working class neighborhood of Cota 905 in the Caracas municipality of El Libertador.

Nine Killed in Police Crackdown on Oaxaca

Laura Carlsen of the Center for International Policy says that Oaxacan teachers are protesting not only teacher evaluations, but also the entirety of neoliberal reform under Peña Nieto

Assassinations in Brazil

The oligarchy and the enemies of the people murder peasants in Brazil The Continental Articulation of Social Movements towards the ALBA emphatically condemns the events...