Saturday, 1 March , 2025


The Global South’s assertion in geopolitics

By Anuradha Chenoy (*) The Global South has new agency in a changing world, with several countries finding that neutrality and strategic autonomy have become...

The China Moment

By Peter Koenig 21 November 2020 China has achieved the almost impossible – a free trade agreement with 14 countries – the ten ASEAN, plus Japan,...

Is Sri Lanka’s ‘Look East’ bid to court ASEAN driven by...

By Lasanda Kurukulasuriya The week ending Fri. 26th January saw back-to-back visits to Sri Lanka by two South East Asian leaders, Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee...

Limits to US Intervention in South China Sea – A view...

By  General Vinod Saighal New Delhi, February 3, 2017 When manmade disaster looms sane voices come together to ward it off.  Such a disaster is clearly...

RCEP: International think tanks warn of devastating consequences

This week (December 2-10) [1] the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is being negotiated in Jakarta, Indonesia. If signed, RCEP would grant corporations the exclusive right to bypass domestic legal systems and sue governments at international tribunals whenever they feel government regulation can limit their profits [2].