Monday, 31 March , 2025

Arms Control

Trump on nuclear arms and defense spending. But is he serious?

Trump: Military Spending Could Be Cut in Half and There’s No Reason To Build New Nuclear Weapons The president said he wants to have a...

Vers une guerre nucléaire mondiale

par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos   Une série d'événements houleux survenus ces derniers jours, dont le dernier en date est la décision de Joe Biden d'autoriser l'utilisation...

Towards a global nuclear war

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos  A stormy chain of events in recent days, with the latest being Biden’s decision to allow the use of US weapons for...

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: Closer than ever to nuclear annihilation

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: How Dangerous To Threaten Nukes. May 30, 2024 We remind our readers that publication of articles on our site does not mean that...

Why the congressional strategic posture report is not about nuclear deterrence,...

By Tara Drozdenko November 8, 2023 Shortly before Russia launched its war against Ukraine last year, leaders of five nuclear weapons states reaffirmed a statement first...

Geopolitics, war, climate and economy: The need for a global alternative...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos* The present still dominant global economic system is a generalized, expanded and globalized form of the one prevailing in western capitalism during...

Putin Announces Suspension of the New START Treaty

New START is the last remaining nuclear arms control treaty between the US and Russia Posted on February 21, 2023 CategoriesRussian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday...

Wolfgang Streeck – Means of destruction

As terrible as it is for the Ukrainian people, the Ukrainian war is only a side issue in a much larger story. Wolfgang Streeck is...

The War between East and West, the Non-Aligned and the Struggle...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*) Second of two parts. Here you can read the first part The War between East and West, the Non-Aligned and the struggle...

It is high time for the Non – Aligned to intervene...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos* We are facing probably the most dangerous crisis in human history and the war in Ukraine is only one of its manifestations....