Sunday, 23 February , 2025

Arafat Yasser

The Israel Lobby – John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt

Mar 23, 2006 For the past several decades, and especially since the Six-Day War in 1967, the centrepiece of US Middle Eastern policy has been...

Mikis Theodorakis: Haaretz interview on 9/11, Israel, Jews, Αntisemitism and the...

Mikis Theodorakis Aug 26, 2004 Haaretz interview Twenty-four hours before the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games in Greece and a year after the war...

The ‘Clean Break’ Doctrine: A Modern-Day Sykes-Picot Waging War and Havoc...

By Cynthia Chung May 18, 2020 In 1996 a task force, led by Richard Perle, produced a policy document titled “A Clean Break: A New Strategy...

Tariq Ali on Lenin, Engels, Palestinians and Nasser

Talking Lenin with Tariq Ali – I Raza Naeem sat down with one of the most influential leftists of our world today to discuss politics,...

Israeli Minister Calls for Assassinating Assad, ‘Cutting Head Off’ Iranian ‘Snake’

By Richard Silverstein The surest path to advancement in Israeli politics is either to kill Arabs with your own hands or advocate murdering the leaders...

Behind the end of the historic role of France in MIddle...

Alain Gresh, of Monde Diplomatique explains the reasons behind the French eclipse in the Middle East. Read the article in L' Orient-Le Jour and also