by Brett Wilkins Posted on
October 18, 2022
Prominent antiwar voices including Medea Benjamin, Noam Chomsky, Abby Martin, and Roger Waters on Monday joined over 220...
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Stop Washington’s war moves toward Russia and China
Stop endless wars: Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia,...
"Anyone paying attention should be worried about the rising dangers of nuclear war, but what we really need is action," said one organizer.
By Julia...
By John Catalinotto
September 30, 2022
With an avalanche of anti-Russian propaganda in NATO-member and other European Union countries — and in the U.S. —...
Chers amis,
Force est de constater que l’État profond, dans ses dernières convulsions, redouble de stratagèmes, de mensonges répétés et de manipulations de la vérité...
Black Liberation Movement Organizations
03 May 2022
Black liberation movement organizations issued a joint statement opposing US/NATO actions in Ukraine.
Dismantle NATO Now!
Rescind the $16B US Allocations...
by Connor Freeman
Mar 24, 2022
The antiwar movement, the anti-imperialist movement of America, has nothing to apologize for and obediently doing so now is...
The United States has a long history of amplifying existing prejudices under the cover of war hysteria to manufacture consent for its actions
by Natalia...