Wednesday, 22 January , 2025

American Revolution

The removal of Jefferson’s statue. A shame for America and the...

The removal of Jefferson’s statue is a gift to the political right By Tom Mackaman 19 October 2021   New York City will remove from City Hall a...

The two American Revolutions in world history

By David North 4 July 2020 Today marks the 244th anniversary of the public proclamation of the Declaration of Independence, on July 4, 1776, which established...

Hands off the monuments to Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Grant!

22 June 2020 In recent weeks, participants in demonstrations against police violence in the United States have demanded the removal of monuments to Confederate leaders...

The “Irrepressible Conflict:” Slavery, the Civil War and America’s Second Revolution

By Eric London 9 November 2019 The following lecture was delivered on Tuesday, November 5 at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. It was...

The impact of the American Civil War on Karl Marx, and...

An Unfinished Revolution Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln by Robin Blackburn, Abraham Lincoln, and Karl Marx Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln exchanged letters at the end of...

The Invention of Christopher Columbus, American Hero

How the founding fathers turned Christopher Columbus, a mediocre Italian sailor and mass murderer, into a historical icon. By Edward Burmila In 1892 The Youth’s Companion—a...

The significance of the American Revolution

Before the American Revolution, society for nearly 2,000 years had been based on the aristocratic principle, the “great chain of being,” and the divine right of kings. The Revolution created a society in which hereditary titles of nobility were banned, monarchy outlawed and the separation of church and state established.