Tuesday, 1 April , 2025

Slternative economics

Cancel the public debt held by the ECB and “take back...

The debate about the write-off of debts held by the ECB has recently gained momentum in France, but also in Italy, Luxembourg, Belgium and...

Annuler les dettes publiques détenues par la BCE pour reprendre en...

Le débat sur l’annulation des dettes détenues par la BCE connaît un fort retentissement en France, mais aussi en Italie, au Luxembourg, en Belgique,...

On Mandel and ‚Capitalist Breakdown‘ – some remarks

By Klaus Dräger  George Kerevan pays tribute to the great Marxist thinker Ernest Mandel, who died some 25 years ago in 1995 – and rightly...

Confronting Climate Crisis with Systemic Alternatives in the Age of the...

Dear friends and colleagues, students and teachers moved by the climate crisis we are in, you are all invited to attend and participate in...

Why Labour doesn’t support Modern Monetary Theory

By Jonathan Reynolds  June 4, 2019 If you were asked what the Daily Telegraph and the Morning Star had in common recently, you’d probably struggle to...

Marxism vs Modern Monetary Theory

By Adam Booth 7 Jun 2019 “Practical men who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves...

Coronavirus crisis: now is the hour of Modern Monetary Theory

by Peter Bofinger on 23rd March 2020 The measures to contain the coronavirus pandemic not only comprise a unique experiment in health policy. They have...

Sanders’ Key Adviser Details Economic Plan To Counter Detractors

27 February 2020 Sanders, a U.S. senator from Vermont and democratic socialist, has promised a sweeping transformation of the U.S. economy if he wrests the...

The new PSOE/UP government in Spain (and left in Portugal and...

by Klaus Dräger Since 7 January 2020, there is a new government in place in Spain. PSOE's Pedro Sanchez is again Prime Minister. He is...

Election 2019: Transatlantic socialism rising

As Sanders and Corbyn head to the polls, Peter Gowan describes a new spirit of international collaboration on the left November 30, 2019 The ‘green new...