Sunday, 23 February , 2025


Crise systémique occidentale 2017-2019 – Le Dieu-dollar contre la Grande Tentation...

Source: Global European Anticipation Bulletin, pour le LEAP Septembre 2017. Qatar, Corée du Nord, Mer baltique, risques de 3ème guerre mondiale… les rodomontades militaires dont nous...

Israel maintains robust arms trade with rogue regimes

by Jonathan Cook Mon Oct 23 2017 Tel Aviv - Human rights activists are stepping up efforts to expose Israel's long and covert history of...

Trump, Pentagon shaken by mounting crisis over Niger deaths

By Patrick Martin Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, gave a televised press briefing Monday afternoon on the US military...

The militarization of US administration and politics

The US lurches toward military dictatorship The militarist diatribe by White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, a retired Marine general, at a White House...

Guy Marius Sagna : « La lutte contre le franc CFA...

Coordonnateur de la plateforme «Non aux APE», Guy Marius Sagna est une figure montante de la société civile sénégalaise. Dans cet entretien, il réaffirme...

Ghana’s presidency and parliament to run on solar energy

By Abdur Rahman Alfa Shaban Source: Africa News / The Dawn News October 5, 2017 Ghana’s presidency, Flagstaff House and its lawmaking chamber will soon be depending...

US and European military operations in West Africa set the stage...

By Eddie Haywood 20 October 2017 The war being conducted in West Africa by the United States in partnership with its European counterparts France...

Trump Poised to Drop Some Limits on Drone Strikes and Commando...

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is preparing to dismantle key Obama-era limits on drone strikes and commando raids outside conventional battlefields, according to officials...

Has The Israel Lobby Destroyed Americans’ First Amendment Rights?

By Paul Craig Roberts The Israel Lobby has shown its power over Americans’ perceptions and ability to exercise free speech via its influence in...

La faim dans le monde augmente pour la première fois depuis...

19 septembre 2017 Émilie Massemin  Pour la première fois depuis plus de dix ans, le nombre d’affamés a augmenté en 2016 et atteint 815...