Friday, 10 January , 2025


World Bank and IMF support to dictatorships

by Eric Toussaint 6 May 2019 In 2019, the World Bank (WB) and the IMF will be 75 years old. These two international financial institutions (IFI),...

Money on the left: confronting monetary imperialism in Francophone Africa

Ndongo Samba Sylla interviewed by Scott Ferguson, Max Seijo & William Saas May 26, 2019 Below is a transcription of the March 14th episode of...

L’imam d’al-Aqsa dénonce l’apathie des Arabes face aux crimes israéliens contre...

Le cheikh Muhammad Husain, imam de la sainte mosquée Al-Aqsa, a critiqué le silence maintenu par les gouvernements arabes en ce qui concerne la...

The hangman of the Middle East: US-backed regime in Egypt hands...

By Bill Van Auken 30 May 2019 Egypt’s US-backed dictatorship of Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has sentenced 2,443 people to death since coming to power in...

Présentation du livre L’Algérie au coeur. Révolutionnaires et anticolonialistes à Renault-Billancourt

30 mars 2019 Mercredi 10 avril à 19h30, rendez-vous à la librairie du Monde Libertaire (Publico) pour la présentation du livre L’Algérie au coeur. Révolutionnaires et...

The US Has Invaded 70 Nations Since 1776

Make 4 July Independence From America Day By Dr Gideon Polya 05 July, 2013 The 4th of July is Independence Day for the United States of America...

Algerian army repeats call to declare president unfit for office

March 30, 2019 Algeria’s army chief renewed a call for President Abdelaziz Bouteflika to be declared unfit for office and told opponents not to seek...

The Battle of Algiers

English Subtitles The Battle of Algiers reconstructs the events that occurred in Algiers the capital city of Algeria between 1954 and 1957

Sénégal : «Nous devons édifier un rapport de force mondial des...

INTERVIEW DE GUY MARIUS SAGNA Jan 29, 2019 Q : Tu es activistes sénégalais. Tu es activiste au sein de différentes campagnes comme Non aux APE (Accords...

Algerian protesters say, ‘We need to get rid of the system’

By Janet Post The movement in Algeria demanding the immediate resignation of ailing President Abdelaziz Bouteflika continues to pick up steam. Working people view his...