Tuesday, 25 February , 2025


Annulation de la Dette africaineou la fable du pompier-pyromane

A l’heure où l’humanité entière est en train de réaliser ses limites et son extrême fragilité face à la pandémie du COVID-19, l’on aurait...

Russia Has Lost $1 Trillion in Capital Flight Since Fall of...

Top politician blames International Monetary Fund for promoting massive capital outflow. Oct 24, 2019 Around $1 trillion of capital has been pulled out of Russia since...

The US Military Is Training Third World Coup Leaders Again

by Ted Galen Carpenter * Posted on April 19, 2022 Americans should be experiencing an uneasy sense of déjà vu. In the last two years,...

Sanctions are destroying Green transition in Europe

Burn time: The case for a new European energy union Almost all EU member states are exposed to the fallout for the energy market of...

RETHINKING REVOLUTIONS From Lenin to Sankara and beyond

CALL FOR PAPERS / APPEL A COMMUNICATIONS Deadline / Date butoir : May 15 / 2022 / 15 mai (La version française suit) RETHINKING REVOLUTIONS From Lenin...

The Dollar Devours the Euro

By Michael Hudson Apr 7, 2022 It is now clear that today’s escalation of the New Cold War was planned over a year ago. America’s plan...

‘Terrifying’: War and Pandemic Could Push 263 Million Into Extreme Poverty...

"Without immediate radical action, we could be witnessing the most profound collapse of humanity into extreme poverty and suffering in memory," said the director...

«Les Oliviers de la justice», un film qui permet de revenir...

Apr 14, 2022 Le film « Les Oliviers de la justice », qui est projeté à Paris, au cinéma Le Louxor, le 14 avril 2022 sous l’égide...

Affaire Sankara et compagnons. Un procès salutaire mené à terme. Mais...

Apr 13, 2022 Nous publions le communiqué de presse du Réseau international Justice pour Sankara justice pour l’Afrique suite au verdict du procès sur l’assassinat...

Emmanuel Macron Is Polling Poorly Because He Has a Terrible Record

Ahead of the French presidential election, Emmanuel Macron’s poll lead has shrunk to almost zero. After years of battering France with unpopular reforms, even...