Andrew Korybko, Russia based American Analyst responds to popular commentator Candace Owens' take on the US withdrawal as she claims that Biden surrendered Afghanistan...
By Jenni Fink
Aug.30, 2021
Despite the significant backlash over problems with the withdrawal of Americans from Afghanistan, President Joe Biden's approval rating is still...
America's Longest War Ends: Pentagon Announces Withdrawal of US Troops From Afghanistan
by Evan Craighead
Aug. 30, 2021
photo: US Central Command Public Affairs
The US Department...
The former British PM should follow up by personal example on his calls not to abandon Afghanistan
By Andrew Mitrovica
29 Aug 2021
Robert Fisk would not...
Selective accountability on failed US foreign policy is a feature of Washington
Written by Ben Armbruster
August 20, 2021
The chairs of the Senate’s leading foreign policy committees...
Detailed notes of three classified calls provided to POLITICO show top Pentagon officials knew of imminent threat, but struggled to close Abbey Gate.
By LARA...
A grasp of history might have prevented this disastrous war
By William Dalrymple*
August 30, 2021
Photo: Yam/LA Times
Before the events of this month, the First Anglo-Afghan...
Most Americans, including half of young Democrats, disapprove of Biden’s handling of recent Gaza crisis
By Shibley Telhami
July 29, 2021
President Joe Biden’s handling...