Tuesday, 22 October , 2024


Sahra Wagenecht on Gabriel, SPD, AfD, War on Terror

Sahra Wagenknecht: We have been successfully running the Bundestag campaign for more than a year now. The Left is now highr in all surveys than in 2013, despite the strength of the AfD. The climate in the faction has also improved. There is a relationship of trust between Dietmar Bartsch and myself, we work well together. This is the prerequisite for a successful election campaign.

Nationalists overtake Merkel’s party in German state vote

A nationalist, anti-immigration party performed strongly in a state election Sunday in the region where German Chancellor Angela Merkel has her political base, overtaking her conservatives to take second place amid discontent with her migrant policies.

Looking for the exit

By Steffen Stierle  Peace, prosperity and democracy. For decades, these promises were used to win large majorities in favour of European integration, including the introduction...