Surprised. Some are surprised!

By Mazin Qumsiyeh

The only thing surprising about the Trump-Mileikowsky (aka Netanyahu) circus teater is that some pundits and “leaders” claim they were surprised. The reality is it was predictable and its development and outcome over the next few months is also predictable and known. Here are points and prediction (hold me to them)

1) First let us be very clear: it is not a “Trump plan”. Trump is merely a puppet of racist colonial Zionist leaders like Mileikowsky. This was the case from over 30 years ago and is very clear even from US court documents of the sex traffickers Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell (Israeli Mossad agents and Maxwell’s father was also a Mossad agent). They videotaped world leaders and CEOs in compromising situations for blackmail. The names of “customers” were released by the court and include Trump, Clinton and Musk. The names withheld at the time for “National Security Reasons” may include Biden himself (he was president so had “sensitivity”)

2) Since this is an old Israeli plan to get rid of the Gaza population (at least since 1952), it is clear that such plans tend to wait opportunities like wars to execute (e.g. look at 1948 and 1967 as good examples of previously designed plans implemented using excuses).

3) This ethnic cleansing plan will remain on the Zionist “to do list” even as (and mark my word) the US puppet pushes the Saudi vicious dictator to normalize with the genocidal Israeli regime in return for putting implementation of the plan  on partial hold. Mohammed (chain-saw) Bin Salman can then sell his treachery of normalization with an apartheid/genocidal regime by saying to his people: “look I got the US/Israel not to deport 2 million people out of the Gaza Strip and I was shown a plan to keep the idea of a (fictional) Palestinian state alive. ”

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4) As happened before, the Oslo process created a subservient and useful tool in the form of the Palestinian Authority (Karzai or Vichy regime) and the pressure will force this regime to act against its own people more (*as happened in Jenin recently). Other US/Israeli collaboration led to subservience of puppets in the Arab World ranging from Morocco to “UAE”.

5) Also mark my word: resistance (both armed and non-armed) will continue and the above predictable landscape will not help achieve imperial/zionist interests. It will be like the machinations of all other empires in their last few years (whether Spanish, Roman, Portuguese, Ottoman etc): violent and vulgar push but ultimately fail. Yet, it is up to us to ensure decline is not accompanied by spreading genocides in other parts of the world and by least more debt and damage to the decent people of the US and European Countries (millions of them support human rights and are disgusted by their governments’ use of their taxes).

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*More on Epstein and Maxwell

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Stay Humane and keep hope alive

Mazin Qumsiyeh

A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine
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