Stop the austerity dictate: DIE LINKE supports the resistance against the memorandum in Greece and calls for a debt relief

Resolution of the 5th party congress of DIE LINKE, 11th of June 2017, Hannover

Headed by the German authorities, the troika forced the Greek government into a new “rescue program” that prescribes extensive austerity measures. A solution for the long-standing Greek debts and an exit from the so called rescue programs was held out in prospect in case of the implementation of the requirements of the program by the Greek government.

Nevertheless, on 22nd of May, the Eurogroup blocked an agreement and the disbursement of the next credit tranche for Greece, although the already adopted social cuts and liberalization measures go far beyond the original agreements of the current program. In this context, DIE LINKE rejects all demands for privatization of state property, reductions of Greek pensions, further restriction of the right to collective agreements and other workers’ rights as well as further cuts in the Greek health system. We call especially the German government to start negotiations on a debt relief for Greece immediately. The German government refuses this because it wants to deceive the general public about the fact that the austerity policy was a disaster and parts of the rescue loans must be written off.

DIE LINKE declares its solidarity with the people of Greece and the progressive movements defending themselves against the measures which the Greek government sees itself coerced into implementing by the blackmailing of German finance minister Schäuble, the Eurogroup, the European Central Bank and the EU Commission.

We support our sister party Syriza and the government it formed in their efforts to enforce a debt relief to reduce the unsustainable debt burden of Greece and to give people in Greece and the EU a new perspective of development that acknowledges their social rights and allows for social and economic progress.

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Inofficial translation of the Resolution of DIE LINKE documented here (german):

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