Elections in Spain


Polls: A Closer Look to the Future of Spain After Elections

Regarding upcoming elections on Sunday, November 10th, Spanish media have published the results of different pollsters on what could be Sunday’s tide breaker for a historical political crisis in the European continent.
8 November 2019
Spain is about to face general elections next November 10th, fourth round in four years, after the absence of political agreement back in September didn’t allow Pedro Sanchez to assume the presidency. It’s the first time something like this takes place in the history of Europe.
This period of political instability was defined by the rise of new political forces that broke the historic rivalry of power between PSOE and PP: the political parties Unidas Podemos, Ciudadanos and Vox.
Regarding the upcoming events this weekend, Spanish media have published the results of different pollsters on what could be Sunday’s results. For example, the local journal El Pais reported that a statistical analysis positions PSOE at the top of the podium with a high probability of obtaining aproximately 86 percent of the votes, followed closely by PP with 83 percent and Vox with 70 percent.
Read more at https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/polls-a-closer-look-to-the-future-of-spain–20191108-0015.html

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Vetoing Podemos

Nearly three months after the Spanish general election, the country remains without a permanent government. Interim premier Pedro Sánchez’s center-left Socialist Party (PSOE) had been the big winner in April’s poll, securing a six-point victory over its nearest rivals and increasing its representation in the 350-member Congress from 85 seats to 123. For the New York Times, the result had converted the 47-year-old economist Sánchez into “the unlikely standard-bearer for a Socialist movement that has crumbled in countries like France, Italy, and most recently Germany.” Yet having failed to form a majority in parliament, last Thursday Sánchez lost the vote for investiture as prime minister.
The momentum generated by the PSOE’s election win has largely been squandered over the last three months, a period of institutional deadlock in which Sánchez has engaged in a war of attrition with his political rivals. Unwilling to govern against the country’s economic elites or ruffle feathers among the European powers, the PSOE man’s maneuvering has had the clear aim of neutralizing the radical left party Unidas Podemos’s influence in any new governing arrangement.
Read more at https://www.jacobinmag.com/2019/07/pedro-sanchez-podemos-spain-psoe

The Nowhere Man