To answer those questions, the conference is focused on the “legacy” and “beyond the legacy” of the Bandung Conference. In this spirit, the conference is also dedicated to the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Belgrade Non-alignment Conference and the 55th anniversary of the Havana Tricontinental Conference, which were the most outstanding follow-ups of the Bandung Conference. Indonesia is the right place for commemorating the three conferences since they bear testimony to the key role of Indonesia and President Sukarno, besides other Bandung leaders, in the history of international struggle for global peace, justice and prosperity. By chance, Indonesia is the president of G20 from December 1, 2021 to November 30, 2022, and the 17th G20 Summit will take place in Bali on November 15- 16, 2022. So, the Final Statement/Declaration of the conference is to be submitted to the government of Indonesia as NAM and G20 member countries.


From the four cities, the following recommendations were made:


  • The importance of literacy in the national archives as a historical reference and future ANRI’s proposal in submitting the NAM archives and Bung Karno’s Speech “To Build the World Anew” at the United Nations in 1960 as UNESCO MOW needs support from international academic circles.
  • The need to recognize world leaders who play a major role in changing the world-order from being hegemonic and dominating to being peaceful, just and prosperous for all. The seven world leaders most needed to know are Jawaharlal Nehru, Zhou Enlai, Sukarno, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Josip Broz Tito, Kwame Nkrumah and Fidel


  • Bung Karno’s speech at the United Nations in 1960 deserves to be a reference and starting point for the development of a new world order based on eternal peace, justice and prosperity for
  • In the face of continued Western hegemony and domination from the colonial era to the present day, BRICS and NAM member countries need to synergize to balance Western powers and change the world order as aspired by Bung
  • In the field of world economic order, three pillars are needed to realize the world order:
    1. A new type of banking system that is relevant to development needs;
  1. A new kind of currency based on natural and human resources, not based on speculation and
  2. A counter-alternative to the IMF that is capable of providing liquidity and stability based on local, regional and resource-based
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  • Bung Karno’s speech at the United Nations in 1960 can be used as a paradigm for the development of a multidimensional new world order, both from a political, economic, cultural and military
  • There is a need to develop world economic instruments as an alternative to Western capitalist tools such as the IMF, World Bank and Bretton This alternative economy can be called “Green Bandung Wood”.
  • In the field of gender, joint steps need to be taken to end the patriarchal system and violence against
  • In the field of social media, digital disorder occurs which has an impact on the mental health and economy of the community, both positive and It is necessary to build a legal system that regulates digital transformation so that the negative impacts can be eliminated or minimized.
  • In the field of world order, it is necessary to explore and develop imagination and thoughts based on the Bandung
  • In the field of ecology, it is necessary to mitigate environmental damage and to stipulate environmental and urban design principles based on local needs, and not on guidebooks from foreign countries. Sustainable habitat development needs to reorganize rural-urban relationships and give priority to rural


  • Colonialism, neo-colonialism and Western imperialism are still entrenched in Asian, African and Latin American countries. Social and political movements in Asian, African and Latin American countries need to unite to gather strength and solidarity in order to end colonialism, neocolonialism and imperialism and to build a new alternative world order based on peace, justice and lasting
  • War is still going on in various parts of the world, in Africa, Asia, America and Europe. War does not only occur physically, but also virtually, digitally, through social-media and economically through the sanctions of Western countries against countries that are not in accordance with Western interests. The current war in Ukraine can be understood as Russia’s resistance to years of Western aggression through economic and media The war in Ukraine is a US-NATO war against Russia. This war has claimed lives but also has an impact on global crises in the fields of food, energy and finance. The campaign to stop the war needs to continue, including calls to stop the supply of weapons from the West to Ukraine.
  • In this global crisis, NAM is required to play a more active role in initiating peaceful measures by building synergies with BRICS to balance the economic and military strength of the US, NATO and their
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The rise of Asia as economic power and geopolitical player is the opportunity for the rising power of Asia (China, India, Indonesia) to lead the world towards eternal peace, justice and prosperity.


The conference is to take place successively in four localities, which have special meanings in Indonesian liberation movement and special relations with Sukarno: Jakarta (07/11), Bandung (08-09/11), Blitar (09/11), Surabaya (10-12/11) and Bali (13-14/11).


The conference involves around 140 scholars from a wide range of scientific disciplines and practitioners from diverse professional fields as well as activists of social and solidarity movements, based in diverse geographical areas of Africa, America, Asia, Australia and Europe.

Jakarta-Bandung-Surabaya-Bali, Indonesia, November 7-14, 2022
In Conjunction with the G20 Summit, Bali, November 15-16, 2022
General information: https://bandungspirit.org/

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