Silence in the midst of genocide is a crime

Four Newborn Babies Froze to Death in Israel’s “Humanitarian Safe Zone” in Gaza

Israeli forces killed three Palestinian Children in the West Bank in one day (& they now kill one child on average every hour in Gaza)
(copy link intact)
If food supplies remain blocked, then Famine (IPC Phase 5) will most likely occur in North Gaza
This artist and writer Walaa Jumaa was killed with her husband this week
Gaza is almost completely destroyed (buildings, hospitals, roads, universities). Colonial Israel destroying infrastructure continues; in this case roads in Lebanon (despite a supposed ceasefire)
Kamal Adwan hospital being destroyed, surviving patients & medical staff ordered to leave
Silence in the midst of an ongoing genocide is a crime
Dr. Hossam Abu Safia, Pediatrician and Director of Kamal Adwan Hospital, & several staff were ordered to strip naked, beaten & taken to an interrogation center. His whereabouts are now unknown. Join us to demand their release! JOIN US on December 29th at 12 PM EST for an Emergency Livestream spotlighting urgent and unfiltered reports from our colleagues in Gaza. This event, hosted by Doctors Against Genocide, brings together medical  rofessionals, media voices, activists, and organizers to amplify Gaza’s cry for justice amidst the relentless genocide.
Powerful 5 minute video by Arundhati Roy explains reality
Barbados PM imploring action
MIT group releases full report: Science for Genocide
Selected groups to support in last three days of the year
For Gaza Strip Humanitarian Support, see
also outside Gaza Strip: examples
Palestine Center for Rapprochement Between People
Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability
Stay Humane and keep hope alive
Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine
facebook pages
Read also:
They will do everything against Corbyn!

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